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Richard Louv in his book, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder, directly links lack of nature in the lives of today’s generation to childhood obesity, depression, and attention deficit disorder. Louv uses research to assert that nature is a potent therapy for depression, obesity ADD and more.
Camp Forest wants every child to have as much time in natural habitats as possible.

Camp Forest keeps its program fees as low as possible.
Maine Camp for Children
Program Fees

Camp Forest offers several plans to pay for our programs:

  • Camp Forest accepts cash, Visa, MasterCard, Paypal and personal checks

  • Camp Forest accepts state child care vouchers, Children’s Center Funds, and other third party payment systems.

  • Camp Forest accepts donations for individual partial and full camperships.

  • Camp Forest accepts a Work Trade; the work is completed by the camper, parent, or family before the registered camp week.

  • Camp Forest assists with a fundraising project carried out by the camper, parent or family alone or as a group prior to the registered week.

  • Camp Forest offers a $25.00 per sibling discount.


Through donations of our supporters, Camp Forest offers a limited number of Camperships for eligible children each year. These Camperships can pay for a whole or a partial week of Camp.


Cash donations go towards our Campership fund to help children with financial need attend Camp. Donations of goods such as canoes, life jackets, paddles, medical supplies, art supplies, etc. are all welcome at any time. If you would like to make a cash donation, please click the PayPal Donor button below.


At Camp Forest
"Discovering the extraordinary in the ordinary."

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